Continental Kennel Club
Continental Kennel Club
1935 letter from Ichiro Hata
1935 letter from Ichiro Hata
Fighting background Tosa Inu
Dog fighting has been as popular a spectator sport in japan as it has been in the rest of the world, although in a significantly different form. the tradition of dog fighting runs especially high in the tosa district of shikoku, with fighting seemingly dating back to the hojo era, as was mentioned in the ancient document, the tai-heiki.
History of the Tosa Inu
History of the Tosa Inu
Tosa 's what's good what's bad
Tosas: the most honest dog breed review you'll ever find. terrific information about tosa inu temperament, personality, and behavior.
Info Reisregels Europa
Info Reisregels Europa
Your Pure Bred Puppy
Tosas: the most candid information you'll ever find about tosa inu dogs.